Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Community, It's a Way of Life.

Well, another year has come and gone and here in the village of Rwentutu we are continuing forward and seeking change. Change can be effected by the simplest thing one action, one word, even a smile can bring about a positive change. It is through the uniting and co-operation of individuals that can bring about a strong, resilient, and changed community.
This is exactly what Umoja has been working towards and will continue to work towards, a changed community that has been empowered to work together and for one another in seeking solutions to poverty and injustice. So with the support and guidance of some very important local community volunteers, nurses, and educators it has been an absolute honor to be a part of a team reaching homes within the community to provide education about health and safety within the home.

If you've never had the privilege of visiting Africa, you may be asking yourself what's this education all about? Well, let me paint you a picture. When reaching a home we first start by doing a survey of what the home stead is equipped with. There is no power or running water within the village and as such all bathing rooms and latrines (toilets) are kept outside. The kitchens are built as small structures usually placed right next to the main house.  Many homes are created using mud and strong branches, while others are having brick or cement walls. Roofs can consist of long grass that is thatched together, or tin. Necessities at the home that we are looking for are things like a structurally sound latrine and bathing room with a hand washing facility, proper food storage, a raised fire place for cooking, a drying rack for dishes (outside.. there are no dishwashers), proper area for compost and waste, an animal shelter as most community members are farmers, the use of mosquito nets, proper preparation of water, and an adequate amount of space for the family to live in based on the number of occupants. When these basic needs within a home are lacking than several health and safety factors can become increasingly apparent.  Not sleeping with mosquito nets or allowing water to stagnate around the home brings an increased risk of malaria.  Improper cooking methods or lack of ventilation can be dangerous and bring long term health issues. Food stored improperly can bring severe stomach pain and sickness. Yet the response we received as we walked throughout the community was a positive one. Families welcomed us into their homes and shared their experiences as our team listened and brought ideas for change.  As I was able to be a part of the process and ask questions I could see how people were grateful for the opportunity of gaining knowledge and receiving the water purification tablets we gave out. While I continued to walk through the village and gaze out to the surrounding mountains  I became increasingly unsettled with the thought of how many more homes and families beyond our reach still remain. Yet there is hope, and it is that unsettled feeling that continues to spur on the desire and passion to work alongside the community and for the community to bring awareness, understanding, knowledge, and empowerment. Because a persons life is always worth fighting for.

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